Geef je beoordeling over E.ON Energy from Waste Delfzijl BV. Dit kan door het geven van een cijfer of door het schrijven een review. Let op: Je recensie wordt openbaar gepubliceerd op internet.
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Wat wij doen
With a total capacity of 3.0 million tonnes, E.ON Energy from Waste is the leading incinerator of waste in Germany. E.ON Energy from Waste is one of the electricity-generating companies of E.ON Energie. Unlike its competitors on the market, E.ON Energy from Waste concentrates completely on incineration. Its area of business does not extend to the collection, transportation and sorting of waste. In addition, E.ON Energy from Waste offers a high level of technical expertise in the construction and operation of state-of-the-art incineration plants and in the generation of electricity, district heating and process steam.